About Wes

It started in 2007 when my grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer. She was only giving three months to live. She was doing chemotherapy and was getting weak. Our family found a high cbd oil that we put in to capsules for her to take. It was crazy how fast  and how much better she felt after taking the pills. She lived up to seven more years before she passed. God rest her soul!
In 2009 I hurt my back and was prescribed hydrocdones. I have a hunreated disk and boldging disk. They told me only thing to fix it was surgery or keep taking pain pills.  I hated the pills and I remember CBD, so I  started taking CBD and it helped with back pain and my leg pain. I then decide this is what  I’m going to do!
After that I decided to educate my self on cbd and what it can do for your body. I wanted to help people if it helped my grandma and me I know it can help others in the same situation.
2018 Wellness by Wes was launched! My business is a thc free, full spectrum, medical grade hemp, organic, and USA made.  We are based out of Denver Colorado. All products are labtested and have zero thc! We have a wide range of products from animal products to tinctures, salves, disposable vape pens, and softgels.
So please check out my website and products you won’t be disappointed!!!!!
Wesley Hicks
CEO Wellness by Wes